Optimise website conversions using behaviour flows


Behaviour flows show how your visitors are navigating around your website. You can redesign your website to encourage certain actions based on this.

Tracking Behaviour Flows

User interface of Google Analytics' behaviour flows

We love using Google Analytics to track behaviour flows.

Not only does it provide valuable analytical data about your website but also gives a clear understanding of behaviour flows through an easy-to-understand user interface design.

Redesigning using behaviour flow data

The behaviour flow data above is for a personalised gifts website we designed called Aztec Factory.

We can see that their visitors are initially landing on the homepage and then navigating to the store page.

If we look at the flow from the previous month, we saw that this was not the case. Their visitors were initially landing on the homepage and then navigating the about page — which obviously didn’t drive many conversions through the store.

Example of a call-to-action button

We quickly reacted to this data and placed obvious call-to-actions around the homepage of the website.

These call-to-actions consisted of large buttons with clear text to drive traffic through to the store page.

…One month later, resulting in the successful behaviour flow results above.

Alternative ways to redesign for behaviour

Example of highlighting a target page inside a navigation bar's design

The main idea to navigate traffic around your landing page effectively is by using an obvious call-to-action. This should be easy to discover and clear to their action.

Therefore, another simple yet overlooked way to increase traffic to a certain page on your website is by highlighting the link inside the navigation bar’s design.

This not only causes the visitor to understand clearly what the main page of the website is but also enables you to lead them in your favour.

Posted on 10th Dec 2017