Landing pages are used by businesses to tailor content towards selling specific offers, based on the buyer’s search and initial visit to the website.
Why use a landing page?
Search optimised data
Landing pages utilise search optimised data to score better for SEO within search engines. This enhances the website’s discovery and therefore ability to be clicked by more customers through search.
Bespoke targeting
Targeting content around customers goes a long way. For example; you can target the offer to the type of customer by utilising buyer personas, or even target offers geographically by location.
How to create effective landing pages
1. Passes the blink test
A blink test is something used by our marketing team to determine if the landing page is effective or not. If a customer lands on the page and gathers what the offer is about within 10 seconds, it passes the blink test.
2. Clear to-the-point headings
To optimise the blink test, be sure the landing page has a clear and strong heading. If your landing page is regarding downloading an eBook, be sure to clearly include both keywords download and eBook within the heading.
3. Easily digested content
On average, website pages are roughly visited for 15 seconds before the visitor leaves to another page. Therefore you don’t want to waste your customers time with paragraphs of long content, there’s always time to send this after the conversion. To avoid this, make sure to use easily digestible content. Use methods such as sub-headings, bullet points and bolder fonts within your landing pages.
4. No menu to navigate away
Strip back any links from your landing page’s design in order to not let the customer navigate away from it. The best practice is to simply remove the navigation of the website whilst keeping your branding present. This way your customers won’t be totally shocked to be on a visually-different website altogether after the conversion.
5. Image, animation or video relating to the offer
A tactic used to enhance the blink test is to use strong clear imagery, animations or videos that explain your landing page’s offer. If you’re struggling for effective photography, it’s always useful to make use of popular stock photography websites such as Shutterstock or Adobe Stock.
6. Stay above the fold
Try to make sure that your landing page content stays above the fold. This means that the customer doesn’t have to scroll down the page to continue the offer — this will help decrease the overall time of the blink test.
7. Optimise the CTA
The call to action (CTA) is what your business is going to benefit from on the landing page. Make sure that your business understands that the more valuable an offer, the more data you should collect through the CTA. This is because your customer is more inclined to leave their details for the reward.
8. Relates to a buyer’s persona
Make sure to use your buyer’s persona when designing an effective landing page, this will help establish more relatable content towards the type of customer your business is targeting. HubSpot’s buyer’s persona tool is a great way to get started in generating customer personas.
9. Social sharing
Add social sharing methods to your landing page. If a customer lands on the page, there’s a large chance that their colleagues might relate to the same offer. If your offer is more B2B orientated, use professional networks such as LinkedIn when allowing sharing.
10. Collect visitor data
Collecting data will help your business measure if your landing page is effective or not. Utilise tools such as heat maps and analytical software to see which areas customers are viewing when landing on your landing page. This data can be extremely useful in order to improve conversions. Tools such as Hotjar or Google’s Page Analytics Chrome extension are great ways to measure this.
These are just some of the tactics that we use at Point & Quack. If you’re wanting to maximise the effectiveness of your next landing page, get in touch to discuss the further strategies we can use to enhance your website’s conversions.