Signs it’s time for a rebrand


Every brand will need to redefine itself at some point, but it can be hard to know if you’re in need of a rebrand.

What is a rebrand

A rebrand can mean to re-design your branding (i.e. logo and stationary), your website or even your brand’s entire vision.

Sometimes plans to rebrand get lost in the hustle and bustle of the working week. Even when you’re just about to take action, the decision to embark on the journey of rebranding can be daunting.

Rebranding can be a long-term investment as it can separate you from the rest, help you reach new audiences, attract top tier candidates, and even allow you to charge more for products and services.

11 signs it’s time for a rebrand

Making a moodboard for brand values

1. It doesn’t stand out

If you feel that your branding is similar to other companies that are your competition, then it may be time for a change. It is always important that you are looking for ways that you can stand out from the crowd. If you think your identity is getting lost and is uninspired then you may be missing out on custom2ers.

Make sure that you find an authentic way to rebrand your company so that it aligns with your vision – while ensuring you stand out from the competition. It’s essential that you don’t lose your company’s identity in the process!

2. The vision has changed

A big red flag that highlights your business needs a rebrand is if your company has had a change in vision. If your clients and customers have changed slightly, or the services you offer is different from what was originally planned, then start thinking of ways to rebrand.

During a rebranding, you will be able to include every aspect of what your business does currently. Make sure it represents the company you are today, and not in 10 years’ time, as there is always the option of further rebranding in the future, as your company evolves.

3. You’re embarrassed

When handing out a business card, are you afraid about what other people may think? Are you embarrassed about the lack of professionalism or how it lacks representation of your vision?

You should be feeling proud of your brand and if it makes you feel embarrassed when speaking or showing others, then you may want to think about changing it. You should be able to share your business with others and have a brand you’re proud to support.

4. You’re struggling to raise your prices

If the price for your products or services seems hopelessly fixed, then think about how rebranding may help.

Since some businesses ultimately rely on customer perception, the value of what you have to offer is entrenched in their minds.

By rebranding, you’re reshaping the way your customers think about your business, and you may just be able to raise prices accordingly.

5. You want to attract a new demographic

If you would like to attract bigger clients, or there’s another demographic you’d like to target such as millennials then a rebrand can be a great move. You may want to choose to rebrand your business in different ways for different customers.

Do some market research to find out what your current and new target audience want in their products and services. You may also find a good way to rebrand by scoping out the competition.

A good case study to see is Abbey Masterbatch. They came to us in order to rebrand their website in a specific format, in order to attract a specific demographic. Their website may not look the fanciest and up to date website in terms of 2020 standards to the general public. However, through research; for the masterbatch industry, their website is extremely efficient to that specific audience.

6. There has been a merger

If your company has recently undergone a merger or is in the process of doing so, then it is the perfect reason for a rebrand.

If multiple brands are coming together, then it may be hard to keep a clear vision. It is important, then, to look at how all the businesses can be branded together; look for similarities they share and make it relatable as one big company.

7. You’ve lost focus

If your business has tried many different things recently, then your branding may be a little all over the place.

A solid rebranding can help your company realign with its goals and vision. It can also enhance cohesiveness between certain parts of the company that may have been added on at different periods of time.

8. The market is changing (your competition)

Depending on your industry and competitors, things may move quickly. Your competition might offer new products and services as they come out.

If you think your competitors are more successful and leaving you behind, then having a rebrand can help. You don’t want your customers associating your business as the ‘old version’ of the products or services your industry offers.

9. You’ve outgrown your brand

If you feel like you’ve outgrown your current brand or think it doesn’t accurately represent the growth of your business, then a rebrand is necessary. It will help you compete with higher-level companies that have professional branding.

10. You’ve moved or expanded beyond your original geography

Local businesses can often be faced with the reality of a rebrand (whether that be branding, website or even both) when they expand into a national or even global geographical presence. Sometimes this can include renaming the brand or perhaps including rebuilding the website, in order to localised subpages too.

11. You’re not attracting top talent

The best candidates want to work for the best companies. If you’re having trouble recruiting employees at a certain level, then it may be necessary to rebrand for the advancement of your business. It Is essential your business is associated with a high level of standard within your industry.

Rebranding allows your business to redefine itself, not just for customers but for current and future employees. If your company doesn’t stand out, then it’s unlikely to attract top talent. Consider doing some brand research and surveys to see how your current branding appears in people’s minds.

It can be hard to know when it’s time to rebrand your business, although the tips above are a good place to start. Keep these signs in mind when trying to decide if it’s time for your brand to adapt and change.

Posted on 24th Mar 2021